Collaboration - Internet Efficiency

Action Plans
Sharing - Action Plans
Protocol - Looking at Work

Levels of Integration

**New: Blogging Parents' Homework

Synthesis Part II
Synthesis - Wikis - Collaboration with Technology
Wikis in Plain English - Common Craft video
Example: The Wright 3
Comparing Hemispheres
**Homegrown - Heather Silva's Earth Science wiki

Tech Connection: Class wiki mini-project
Picture Books
Website Review - various subjects

Location and Access
Teaching Zack to Think  Not everyone is in favor of allowing students free access to the Internet during school time. What problems does Internet access pose and how can schools work to overcome these problems?    
Blog responses - A    B    C

Wikipedia - Love it or Leave it? Activity: Do an exhaustive (15 minutes max) search of Wikipedia on a topic in your discipline and share your findings with your group.

Evaluating Resources - Is it Real...Or Is It...  (ws pp11 and 31)

School Library Journal

Searching -
Boolean Operators (Schrock)
Reading URLs -
Trent University site
Searching within a webpage - CTRL+F

Hands-on: RSS

Use of Information
Graphic Organizers for Notetaking
Electronic Notetaking/Annotating

Powerpoint/Keynote Notetaking

Making Powerpoint/Keynote Note Cards
practice article:
21st Century Skills

Citing Sources

Citation Maker
Knight Cite

Wrap Up
Action Plans