Links to selected online resources

Session 1
InfoLit Overview
Powerpoint by Steve Koelker
Slideshare version of InfoLit Overview

"Tuning in to Jon Stewart and Brittany Schmidt"- reading

Task definition and Information Seeking Strategies

"Adopt and Adapt: 21st Century Schools Need 21st Century Technology"
- Marc Prensky in Edutopia December/January 2006

The World at Your Fingertips - Jan Hawkins in Edutopia - from 1997!

The World is Flat - online summary

Literacy in the Digital Age How Much Information? - study at Bekeley on new information created each year

Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions

The Big6 and Student Achievement

For the Best Answers, Ask Tough Questions

Plagiarism-Proofing Assignments - Doug Johnson

Backward Design - Greece NY Central School District

Session 2 - Location and Access and Use of Information

Surviving Wikipedia - More than an article about Wikipedia, this is a great discussion of the need for instruction in information literacy skills.

Session 3

AT&T's Blue Web'n  -
"Blue Web'n is an online library of 2131 outstanding Internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (tools, references, lessons, hotlists, resources, tutorials, activities, projects)."

Verizon's Thinkfinity - (formerly Marco Polo)" The goal of the Thinkfinity Content Partners is to provide the best Internet-based educational content, created by world-renowned organizations who are discipline experts in their fields."

Newsmap - "Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator."

TrackStar -
" TrackStar is your starting point for online lessons and activities. Simply collect Web sites, enter them into TrackStar, add annotations for your students, and you have an interactive, online lesson called a Track. Create your own Track or use one of the hundreds of thousands already made by other educators. Search the database by subject, grade, or theme and standard for a quick and easy activity. There is a fun Track already made for each day of the year, too!"  Note: NO 9-12 math in their themes and standards listing! HERE.    Here is one on linear equation graphing, though.

WebQuests - This site has links to all things Webquest, including templates for creating your own. Their description:

A real WebQuest....

*is wrapped around a doable and interesting task that is ideally a scaled down version of things that adults do as citizens or workers.
*requires higher level thinking, not simply summarizing. This includes synthesis, analysis, problem-solving, creativity and judgment.
*makes good use of the web. A WebQuest that isn't based on real resources from the web is probably just a traditional lesson in disguise. (Of course, books and other media can be used within a WebQuest, but if the web isn't at the heart of the lesson, it's not a WebQuest.)
*isn't a research report or a step-by-step science or math procedure. Having learners simply distilling web sites and making a presentation about them isn't enough.
*isn't just a series of web-based experiences. Having learners go look at this page, then go play this game, then go here and turn your name into hieroglyphs doesn't require higher level thinking skills and so, by definition, isn't a WebQuest.

Reading with Google Earth - from the ALA: Extend the enjoyment of literature with three-dimensional annotated maps of the world.

Google Earth Lessons Blog - Buckle up....

Bubble.Us - " is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm online.
Create colorful mind maps online
Share and work with friends
Embed your mind map in your blog or website
Email and print your mind map
Save your mind map as an image
And it's FREE!"

Mindomo - "Mindomo is a versatile Web-based mind mapping tool, delivering the capabilities of desktop mind mapping software in a Web browser - with no complex software to install or maintain.
Create, edit mind maps, and share them with your colleagues or your friends."

Gliffy - From floor plans and landscape designs to process flows and technical drawings, Gliffy Basic's shape libraries and intuitive interface will help you create diagrams instantly.

Podcasting - listen to learn - create to share learning
    Apple - Podcasting in Education 
    Wes Fryer's Moving at the Speed of Creativity -Technology in education expert and prolific podcaster 
    EPN - Education Podcast Network

Weebly - Really free websites for all.

Slideshare - "SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations on the web. And it's free."

Bubbleshare -
"Create a free account and upload photos to share with friends, family, or the world. Unlimited storage means you’ll never run out of space to keep hundreds, even thousands, of your favorite pictures."